Mini Course for Becoming a Ninja


Some people do not understand how they can do ninja training at home. They think that becoming a ninja may take years. But there are some mini courses that will help you get the idea of ninja training and will let you become a ninja without a lot of efforts. One of the mini courses of ninja training includes three years and consists of study, physical training and style. The first thing you need to start with is to study ninja history.

If you have knowledge of ninja history, you will be able to understand how it can be applied nowadays. The studies will help you multiply the desire to become a ninja. You will see the ways how you will be able to apply knowledge in the future. Studying is not just about information but learning the mentality of a ninja and the way of thinking.Ninja

Another part of the training includes physical training that plays a great role in the gradual process of becoming a ninja. The major part of your physical training will be devoted to martial art technique but it is not the only thing you need to pay your attention to. Running, jumping, and flexibility skills need to be developed perfectly. Fight training should start at the very beginning and continue all along the mini course of training.

There are a lot of books and videos devoted to fight training of ninjas and you will have a chance to get the course that would meet your physical needs. The third part of ninja training is style. Once you start learning ninja history, you will choose the way of living and thinking. Your style will be seen in everything including behavior, exercising and fighting. At the same time, you need to purchase black hoodies, lightweight shoes and flexible pants as well as training gear that would allow you to train and practice all the techniques and the use of weapons without harming yourself or your martial arts training partner.

Photo by Marc0311 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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