Master Judo Techniques for MMA Fighting


Judo is a fighting style that’s effective in Mixed Martial Arts fighting. The Japanese martial arts focus on being close with the opponent and aiming for take downs to immobilize the other person. Judo provides an advantage to its students over others who don’t have the same grappling mastery.

One of the judo techniques that are effective in MMA is the throws. Throwing forms provide an edge over an opponent who doesn’t know what to do during a clinch. The hip throw or koshi waza can be changed in a manner that it can be used from various positionsThe foot sweeps as well as throws are also useful in MMA fights.

Judo also has shooting techniques that can bring you closer to the opponent in a short period of time. Shooting for the legs or the body lets you disable the opponent from letting out a deadly kick or punch. You are able to control the match. From the shoot, you should seamlessly shift into a takedown. Judo

Judeo improves your defense. Most of the grappling positions are developed by studying judo’s defensive position. The guard, half guard and the body scissors are just some of the judo techniques that are useful in MMA matches.

Judo also has several joint locks or kansetsu waza that can help you go for a quick end of the match. The arm bar is one of the common judo techniques that are also used in the MMA ring. You should master the technique in order to give you an advantage over your opponent. Other judo joint lock techniques that can improve your chances of winning a MMA match are wrist locks, knee locks, and foot locks.

Mastering judo techniques can be useful in Mixed Martial Arts matches. Make sure you keep all the lessons you’ve learned from judo and practice them inside the ring.

Photo by -Marcus-

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