Effects of Mixed Martial Arts environment on the Youth


A lot of parents are looking for activities to enroll their children in. One of the sports that have become popular among kids is Mixed Martial Arts. There are several types of MMA and you should find one that is less violent than the others. Keep in mind that the parents and the environment are factors that can influence a child’s behavior.

Most parents want their kids to be part of an activity that allows them to learn about respect, social skills, and confidence. These are the some of the reasons why parents enroll them in MMA classes.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a form of martial arts that is not about fighting. Instead it teaches students about self-defense. Then there are martial arts, such as boxing, that are about punching and striking. Psychologists state that the child’s behavior depends on how it is being taught. MMA

According to Dr. Steve Seidel, TAMUCC Psychology Professor, said that violent behavior is not the product of the sport. Coaches must not be blamed about the behavior because they only provide the instructions. Parents also have a role in it. They must ask the right questions to find out what their kids think about the lessons they have learned in the gym.

Mixed Martial Arts is an art form. If the lessons are not taught the right way, then wrong skills will be instilled into the kid’s brain and can be misused. The confidence taught by MMA can help prevent violent fights outside the class.

If Mixed Martial Arts is taught to in a self-defense manner, then the kid is learning how to respect others as well. It is this type of class that parents must choose for their kids. The Journal of Sports Science and Medicine suggested that longer training was connected with lower levels of aggressiveness.

Photo by Carlos Saavedra [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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