Creating a Homemade Ninja Costume

Ninja Costume

Halloween is just around the corner and parents are now looking for costumes ideas for their kids. Whether the kid will be trick or treating or going to a party, finding the perfect costume is important. Your kid can become a ninja without having to pay for an expensive costume from the store. You can make the costume on your own, which will save you a lot of money.

A ninja in the old days were Asian physicians who turned into silent assassins and experts in the martial arts. That’s the reason why ninja uniforms are flexible enough to allow the ninjas to move with ease.

The traditional ninja costume is a full body outfit that is black in color. The real ninjas use the color black in order to be able to stealth around their opponents. They also wore other colors such as grey, navy blue, and brown. For this example, the costume will be a black ninja costume.Ninja Costume

You can make the uniform with black, loose fitting clothing, such as a black sweat suit. The pants must not be too thin or thick and comfortable in size. For the top, wear a turtleneck or any black long sleeves.

You can use black slippers or shoes for footwear. Ninjas also have face masks to cover their faces. For the mask, you can use a black handkerchief or a shirt. Be sure to let your kid wear appropriate underclothes. A white undershirt might be visible under black ninja costumes.

Ninja utilizes weapons such as throwing stars and swords. The weapons are flat and one dimensional. They can be carried easily by your kid. You can make ninja weapons with the use of cardboard. Cutout the shapes and wrap them with tin foil to copy the material of the real weapons.

Photo by Joey Gannon [CC-BY-SA-2.0], undefined

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